Tuesday, November 19, 2013

©2013 Copyright. All rights reserved.

I have found that "copyright is a form of protection provided by the laws of the United States (title 17, U.S. Code) to the authors of “original works of authorship,” including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain other intellectual works." I found this definition in a copyright website here. In the following there are two scenarios of what would constitute "copyright": 1. Getting permission to use an image with ownership licenses and 2. Using an article without permission or sources to trace them back and getting sued for it. 
Fair Use is the use of copyrighted infringement  without needing to get permission for it, for example, quoting song lyrics or summarizing an article. Another example you may utilize fair use is citing quotes from a book to use in an essay assignment for school. 
In 2009 Shepard Fairey was proven guilty in court as he used an image by The Associated Press without copyright permission. With many obstacles overcame and time, Shepard and The Associate Press settled the suit for $1.6 million. 
Public Domain is a work that has no or an expired copyright license. These works don't need any permission to use. Creative commons is a non-profit organization that allows sharing different works with free legal tools. They provide licenses that allow you to add your own conditions to how your files can be shared. 
Halloween before image used with permission, Creative Commons.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Color Psychology

The web article Color Psychology, states that different colors give off different moods and symbolizes different things.  Color Psychology applies to everyday life, everything in this world has color and therefore it affects our mood. For example, people who live in a gloomy area are more depressed than those who live in a nice, sunny area. The article reference can be found here: Color Psychology: The Emotional Effects of Color.
In the article Color in advertising made by the University of Stanford explains how different colors have an effect on the advertising that is trying to be made. It give examples as of what colors have been used in particular advertisements and why they were used. If you would like to see this article, click here.